Jackson Greer
Client Service Specialist
Did you know that Barry Bonds has been intentionally walked more times than the whole of the Tampa Bay Rays franchise has in their entire existence? Well, Jackson does, and there’s more where that came from. With a B.A. in History from Marquette University in Milwaukee, WI, Jackson’s appetite for consuming and discussing events having already occurred is insatiable, and if one isn’t careful, one might realize that hours have ticked by while being barraged with obscure factoids. He has a particular passion around baseball, both current and prior, to the extent of having created complex spreadsheets by which players of different eras can be evaluated against one another. When does interest become enmeshed with obsession, you might ask. Who are we to judge? The Giants have been his team, having grown up in Salinas, CA, but he joined Vinoble in 2022 – a relatively auspicious year for Mariners baseball, so a shift in allegiance seems only prudent. As a Client Service Specialist, Jackson coordinates the service response of our team, directing client inquiries, managing scheduling, and much more. Before joining Vinoble, he had worked in Special Education and with local tech companies, and so joins the vaunted few who blissfully find vocation in anything but that which they studied in school. If not reading about the past (sometimes in Latin, no less), Jackson finds joy in more modern pursuits, such as wine tasting, road trips, and trivia nights, often separately, but if fortune smiles, a road trip that ends in an opportunity to taste wine and spout trivia might be in the offing - the ultimate triumvirate.