We are unbiased.
About Us.
Our Back Story
For a dozen years, the Vinoble Group team worked together as part of a full-service financial brokerage firm, perfecting our bias toward financial planning. It’s a great bias to have, since focusing on client goals remains at the core of our independent advice.
We hit the road to independence in 2019, when we left the brokerage umbrella to become a Registered Investment Advisor. With that monumental move, we were able to become a fully independent wealth advisory, free to act without conflict and solely in our clients’ best interests.
In 2020 we merged with two local businesses to become a broader financial and benefits consultancy, allowing us to provide clients with not only unbiased wealth management but also group benefits and tax planning. As agile advisors and problem solvers, we pull from a wide scope of services, technology and products to create plans, solutions and relationships that work in step with each of our clients.
Our Noble Name
Our name, Vinoble, comes from the French word for vineyard, which is vignoble. We dropped the “g” so we could highlight our sense of nobility – our integrity and bravery. Just like vineyards that persevere through times of drought, we anticipate and adjust for trying times so that our clients can reap the benefits of their labor.